Secondary Science Teaching with English Language and Literacy Acquisition (SSTELLA) is submitted to the NSF DR K-12 program for consideration for a full research and development project in the Teaching Strand to develop, implement, and conduct an evidence-based investigation on an innovative model of secondary science pre-service teacher education.

This project focuses on a critical challenge in STEM education: preparing novice secondary school teachers to provide effective science instruction to the rapidly growing population of students from language minority groups who have traditionally been underserved in STEM education and are underrepresented in STEM degrees and careers (National Academy of Sciences [NAS], 2010; Oakes et al., 2004; Rodriguez, 2004).

In 2010, a combined report of the National Academy of the Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine, identified as a top priority improving the preparation of science teachers of high need secondary schools with large numbers of underserved minority students to increase their successful participation in STEM careers and degree programs (NAS, 2010). Consequently, each year thousands of new teachers enter the profession unprepared to teach this rapidly growing student population. SSTELLA aims to contribute to the knowledge base on preparing secondary teacher to teach science to ELLs.

Learn more with the SSTELLA Website.