Principle Investigator
Dr. Trish Stoddart is a Professor of Education at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Dr. Stoddart is an expert at improving the teaching of science in culturally and linguistically diverse classroom. She has extensive experience in research on instructional innovation and science education and has led several large federally funded projects including the NSF funded Effective Science Teaching for English Language Learners (ESTELL) project, the NSF funded Local Systemic Initiative LASERS (Language Acquisition through Science Education for Rural Schools) which brought together seven school districts to improve the teaching of science to English Language learners in California's Central Valley and the USDOE Federal Eisenhower Project CCTD (California Consortium for Teacher Development) which brought together 18 CSU and UC campuses in a research and development project on preparing pre-service teachers to work with diverse learners. She is the author of over 70 journal articles and monographs on science education, teacher education and educational policy and reform.
Trish Stoddart, Ph.D.
Professor of Education University of California Santa Cruz
Principal Investigator: ESTELL, ELLISA and SSTELLA project
Office: Education Department, 3168 McHenry Hall
University of California,
1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: (831) 459 3850
Co Principle Investigator
He has been a member of TEEL since 2006, serving as co-researcher on the Institute of Education Sciences grant Integrating Science and Diversity Education: A Model of Pre-Service Elementary Teacher Preparation, Co-PI on the NSF grant Effective Science Teaching for English Language Learners (ESTELL), and serving as Co-PI on the US Department of Education National Professional Development grant English Language and Literacy Integration in Subject Areas (ELLISA).
His latest publication is titled The Effects of Educative Curriculum Materials on Teachers’ Use of Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners in Science and on Student Learning and appears in the journal Contemporary Educational Psychology.
Marco Bravo, Ph.D.
Edward Lyon is an Assistant Professor of Science Education in the School of Education at Sonoma State University. He was formally Assistant Professor of Science Education at Arizona State University. Dr. Lyon conducts K-12 science education research to understand how core instructional and assessment practices enhance learning for ELs, including how science teachers are prepared to enact those practices. Dr. Lyon’s dissertation work, exploring the development of pre-service science teachers’ expertise at ambitious assessment received a $20,000 UC-ACCORD Dissertation Fellowship, the 2012 Outstanding Dissertation Award from the California Council of Teacher Education, and the 2013 NARST Outstanding Paper Award. Dr. Lyon is currently engaged in two primary research projects. He is Co P.I. on the NSF DR K-12 Secondary Science Teaching with English Language and Literacy Acquisition (SSTELLA) project to study the impact of a teacher education model on novice science teachers' beliefs, knowledge, and practice of teaching science to ELs. He is also P.I. of the Ambitious Assessment in Secondary Science classrooms (AASC) Project funded by a Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Internal Grant and a Fulton Scholars Challenge Award to refine research tools and a conceptual framework for assessing science in secondary science classrooms with ELs. Dr. Lyon formally taught biology and chemistry for in culturally and linguistically diverse high schools.
Edward Lyon, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Science Education at Sonoma State University
Dr. Eduardo Mosqueda is an Assistant Professor of Education at UC Santa Cruz. He completed his doctoral studies at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and was awarded a Spencer Dissertation Fellowship. His quantitative background includes linear and non-linear methods in large-scale data analysis that include longitudinal analysis and multilevel modeling. He also has a background in methods in educational measurement. His primary research uses the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (collected by the National Center of Education Statistics) and analyses the relationship between the English proficiency of non-native English speakers, their access to rigorous courses and their performance on standardized mathematics assessments.
Eduardo Mosqueda
Assistant Professor of Education at UC Santa Cruz
Office: Education Department, 3153 McHenry Library
University of California,
1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: 831-459-5467
Jorge L. Solis (Ph.D. in Language, Literacy & Culture, University of California, Berkeley; Public Policy from Stanford University) is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Bicultural-Bilingual studies in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). Jorge is firmly committed to improving the schooling prospects and achievement of all students through the production and sharing of practical and innovative research. Dr. Solis’ research interests in bilingual studies and English language learner education involves examining a range of teaching and learning contexts from children in elementary classrooms to secondary school adolescents as well as the study of experienced and novice classroom teachers. Much of this work focuses on understanding the academic transitions of English language learners across into secondary school. His ongoing research on novice teacher education aims to understand how beginning teachers can take-up more authentic sociocultural and disciplinary approaches that use language and literacy practices to advance content comprehension in linguistically diverse classrooms. Ten years of research involving in-service and pre-service teachers in elementary classrooms contexts has focused on science instruction with English Language Learners (ELLs) across varied language programs. Dr. Solis’ recent work in San Antonio expands on this work by examining secondary school contexts where novice teachers possess much stronger scientific knowledge expertise yet with much more varied familiarity with pedagogical language knowledge. He is the UTSA principal investigator of the National Science Foundation DRK-12 funded SSTELLA project examining higher education education reform for science teachers in linguistically diverse classrooms. Through this new research, Dr. Solis hopes to provide more effective teacher education models for secondary school teacher education programs that addresses the science learning contexts of adolescent English language learners in bilingual, mainstream, and ESL classrooms. Jorge has presented his work at the American Educational Research Association, American Anthropological Association, National Association for Research on Science Teaching, and National Association for Bilingual Education. His work has been published in Linguistics and Education, Issues in Teacher Education and has been recognized in the Review of Research in Education and several edited volumes. Jorge has taught education courses to undergraduates, elementary and secondary teacher credential students, and doctoral students on issues of bilingualism, classroom discourse, disciplinary literacy and second language literacy, and English-language development. Previous or current courses he teaches at UTSA include: BBL. 6063:Research Methods in Bilingual & Second Language Studies, BBL 5033: Bilingual Content Instruction, BBL 7223: Seminar in Biliteracy & Second Language Literacy, BBL 4353: Approaching to Teaching Science EC-6, and BBL.3053: Foundations of Bilinguals Studies.
Jorge L. Solís, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Bicultural-Bilingual Studies
Office: room MB 3.302D, University of Texas, San Antonio
Phone: 210-458-5575
Sara Tolbert is Assistant Professor of Science Education in the Teaching, Learning, & Sociocultural Studies Department at the University of Arizona’s College of Education. Dr. Tolbert received a Ph.D. in Education from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2011. Dr. Tolbert’s research focuses on redesigning science teacher education as a vehicle for improving English learners and other minoritized students’ opportunities to learn relevant and contextually authentic science, and on facilitating social change and youth leadership through school science. Before pursuing her graduate degrees, Dr. Tolbert taught science and sheltered science in formal and informal settings in the South Bronx, NY, Atlanta, GA, South Auckland (Papatoetoe), New Zealand, and Latin America.
Dr. Tolbert has been a member of TEEL since 2006, serving as graduate research associate on the Institute of Education Sciences grant Integrating Science and Diversity Education: A Model of Pre-Service Elementary Teacher Preparation, and the NSF grant Effective Science Teaching for English Language Learners (ESTELL), and Co-PI on the NSF DR-K12 project, Secondary Science Teaching with English Language and Literacy Acquisition. Her latest publication is titled "Because they want to teach you about their culture…”: Analyzing effective mentoring conversations between culturally responsible mentors and secondary science teachers of indigenous students in mainstream schools, published in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
Sara Tolbert
Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona
Office : Room 813
College of Education,University of Arizona
1430 E. Second St.
Tucson, AZ 85721
Phone: (520)621-9374
Maria Isabel Quita is a Professor at San Francisco State University. She teaches Curriculum & Instruction in Science K-6, in the Multiple Subject Credential Program and in the Graduate Program, Department of Elementary Education. She is part of the Faculty Liaison. STAR (Science Teacher and Researcher) Program where she planned and co-facilitated weekly science education seminars & workshops to STAR fellows (in-service secondary teachers/researchers and credential candidates), in collaboration with Research Site scientist-mentor and secondary school master teacher. Within the Department of Elementary Education at San Francisco State Univeristy, Professor Quita Administered and represented the department during its transition to continue monitoring the needs of the academic programs, students, faculty, and staff. She worked with faculty in academic program planning, review, and curriculum development and revision; planned and facilitated department retreat (summer 2007) with four other colleagues based on the dean’s recommendation to revisit curricular programs to meet new criteria of SB 2042; and prepared class schedule in consultation with the academic office coordinator and faculty.
Isabel Quita
Associate Professor University of San Francisco State
Office: San Francisco State University
Department of Elementary Education 1600 Holloway Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94132
Phone: 415-3383416
Fax: 415-3380567
Dr. David Whitenack is an Associate Professor of Education in the Department of Elementary Education at San José State University, where he teaches courses on meeting the needs of English language learners and teacher leadership, and advises MA students in the Critical Research Academy (CRA) and Literacy Across the Curriculum for an Equitable Society (LACES) programs. Dr. Whitenack's research focuses on professional development that integrates academic English language development and content-area instruction, including in professional development school (PDS) contexts.
David A. Whitenack, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Office: Sweeney Hall 415
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0074
Phone: (408) 924-3736
Project Coordinator
Joanna Sherman Gardiner is the Project Coordinator for two currently research funded projects, the U.S. Department of Education, English Language and Literacy Integration in Subject Areas (ELLISA) and the National Science Foundation, Secondary Science Teaching with English Language and Literacy (SSTELLA). Joanna assists Project Principal Investigator Professor Trish Stoddart in implementing and maintaining on all aspects of the ELLISA and SSTELLA project management. The ELLISA and SSTELLA projects have five subcontracts with six collaborating institutions and other universities. Joanna works with the Pl.’s and administrators at each of the following sites. University of California, Santa Cruz, Arizona State University, University of Arizona, University of Texas, San Antonio, San Francisco State University and San Jose State University. Joanna received a B.A. in Sociology and an M.A. in Education from UCSC.
Joanna Sherman-Gardiner
Project Coordinator
Office: 0282 ELLISA & SSTELLA
Education Department McHenry Building
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Phone: (831) 459-1668
Postdoctoral Researchers
Preetha K. Menon received her Ph.D. in Education from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 2015. In the TEEL project, Dr. Preetha Menon helped design and implement a set of classroom case studies to assess the impact of the use of ESTELL pedagogy by first year teachers on the achievement of the 3rdthrough 5th grade students. The design called for classroom teachers to teach a common science instructional unit where she implemented a professional development workshop to train first year ESTELL-trained teachers. She also used the EDAISI observation rubric to observe classroom instruction during the course of the unit and conducted interviews with each teacher, administered and scored pre- and post- unit student assessments in science, language and literacy and assisted in creating rubrics for analyzing the student open-ended responses. In addition she developed and maintained the database for the student achievement study which included teacher interviews, EDAISI observation data and scores on student assessments. Dr. Preetha K. Menon’s research interests include improving science learning using classroom-based assessments in linguistically diverse classrooms where the role of language plays a key role. Using mixed-methods approach her dissertation research examines the perspectives of both teachers and students on the potential of multimodal tasks to support science learning in linguistically diverse classrooms. With her experiences as a middle school science teacher she has a strong commitment to using theory and research to improve the science teaching and learning of the increasing diverse K-12 student population.
Preetha Menon Ph.D
Researcher in Science Education
Dept. Of Education
UC Santa Cruz
Phone: 408-431-5393
Graduate Students
Joe Chee is a graduate student researcher on the ELLISA Project and an education PhD candidate at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His research interests include preservice teacher education and development, preparing teachers to teach in linguistically and culturally diverse classroom contexts, and using video in teacher education and professional development. In addition, Joe has taught foundations courses in UC Santa Cruz's teacher education program, and graduate-level education courses at Santa Clara University.
Joe Chee
Education Researcher
Graduate Student, ELLISA Project
Office: Education Department, 3143 McHenry Hall
University of California,
1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: 650-383-8324 (Google Voice),
831-459-4589 (Campus)